Monday, April 7, 2014


Roland Smith
Book review 4
Fourteen year old Peak is no ordinary climber. In the beginning Peak is climbing one of the many skyscrapers in New York City. He tagged most of them already. He is near the top when his face gets stuck to the colossal building. So he pries his face off of the building and continues to climb the building. As he tries to reach the top he stops to tag the building with a blue mountain. Right after he finishes, he continues to try and reach the top but, he hears and feels a gust of wind come behind him. The police are all over the building. As it turns out the building that Peak climbed happened to be the same building that the Mayor of New York was in.
Peak gets questioned about what he was doing on the building for a long time. The New York police department thinks that Peak is a terrorist but later find out that he is just a dumb kid. Peak has a court hearing to decide his future. His whole family is there to see what his future will be. His long lost father is also there. So after the hearing Peaks family has to pay a huge fine and peak has to be on parole until he turns 18. Since his father is there he presents the opportunity to go to the eastern part of the world.

Peak decides to go with his father over across the Atlantic Ocean. His father then reveals his real plan. His plan is to take Peak to the top of Mount Everest. Also if he reaches the top he will become the youngest person to be above 29,000 ft. Peak finds himself in a bind with the law and with his father never giving him all the details of what he is doing. I really enjoyed this book. It is full of details that bring it to life.   


  1. Wow, you have quite the detail in your post, I loved how you pulled things from the book to have in your review. Example: "Also if he reaches the top he will become the youngest person to be above 29,000 ft."

  2. I loved this book when I read it before but now I really want to read it keep up the nice work with detail!

  3. This sounds so interesting! I like the way you started it! Nice job!

  4. That sounds like a great book! I like how gave alot of detail.


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