Monday, April 7, 2014

John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy

By: Howard S. Kaplan 

Review by: Hannah Sawaya

"The November day begins like any other: alarm clocks, coffee cups, school buses, and classroom bells. The milkman deliverers his cold glass bottles of sweet cream and milk, while newspapers hit the front doors with a familiar thwack. A man and a woman traveled yesterday from Washington D.C to Huston, Texas. Today they fly from Huston to a place called Love Filed, outside of Dallas. The day begins like any other day. The man and the woman get off the plane and are greeted by photographers. Click. They are the most photographed couple in the world. Click. She is handed red roses and adjusts her hat. Click. Click. Click. The car is waiting- a convertible. They take their place in the back seat and head downtown, waving, smiling. The crowds cant get enough. The car turns a corner. It moves, slowly. We want to shout at them to turn around, or pick another care, or a different street. But we cant. They drive straight into history." -Howard S. Kaplan. 

J.F.K was born in 1917 and died on November 22nd, 1963. He was the thirty- fifth president and definitely one of the most loved. He changed the worlds perspective on the young country. In the book it gives new incites in president Kennedy and his family. From being sick to being president and all the stuff in between. This book was amazing.


  1. I love this! I really like how you gave your opinion! Great job!

  2. That sounds like a really good book. You did a great job on your review and i like how you used onomatopoeia.

  3. You did a good job on your review! This book sounds good but not something I would read. Good job!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I liked the passage from the begging although it wasn't yours. I would have liked to hear more about the book from you. I liked how you gave your opinion at the end. But it sounds like a good book considering J.F.K is one of my favorite presidents.


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