Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Candy Shop War# 2: Arcade Catastrophe
Brandon Mull
book review #2

 In The Candy Shop War#2: Arcade Catastrophe, five kids names Nate, Summer, Treven, Pidgon, and Lindy, live in a world that is full of magic. There is magic candy they can eat that allows them to do wonderous things. Some include; moon rocks, allowing your body to jump 10 feet in the air with ease as if you were jumping on the moon. Another is a flame-out. You put it in your mouth, suck on it for 5 seconds, and spit it out onto your hand and throw, creating a gigantic fireball on impact! There are many others too.

 Lately, there was an arcade constructed, with suspicious stamps selling at 40,000-50,000 tickets apiece.  Upon earning them, they find out that they have similar effects to the magic candy. One allows you to fly. Another makes you extremely durable and really strong. Another allows you to run extremely fast. And the final one allows you to breath underwater, have the senses of a platypus, and speed through water like a torpedo!

There are only four stamps available per club. When they’re all filled, Nate and his friends are each in a club. The leader of the clubs is a man named Jonas, who sends them on suspicious missions to retrieve specific things. To keep them in line, he makes things called simulacrums. They look like wax duplicates of the kids in the clubs, and work like voodoo dolls. Stick a needle in one, the actual person feels pain where the needle struck.

He doesn't tell them yet, but the main thing he’s after is a simulacrum of the earth, called ueyea. With this, he could destroy an entire continent with his fist if he wanted! Nate is determined not to let this happen, so on the mission where they were supposed to capture ueyea, Nate enters ueyea and destroys it! Now, Jonas can’t harm much of anything and is dealt with by the magical defense department. to celebrate, they have a feast. during that feast, the head of the magical defense department gives Nate a medal that has only been awarded 3 different times over the centuries. the rest of the department is dumbfounded. and it all ends with Nate knowing he had done a tremendously big thing nobody had ever done before. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice job! I read the first book and haven't got around to reading the second one but now I have to read it! Keep up the good work!


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