Tuesday, April 8, 2014


book review #4
All I ever wanted was to just go.
But nobody would let a stranger just pass by,
They had to prove that they could beat anyone that came through.

What I wanted was to eat, bath, and find a place to sleep for the night. I would be on my way in the morning. So why would men have to pull a gun on me and get there self’s killed? I never did anything to make them mad, until they start thinking that they are cool picking on the stranger, who’s just “Passin’ through”.  The only reason I get people mad is because I killed one of their buddy’s, after that I usually get hunted down and hanged. But somehow get out of it. So just like any other day of going into a town, I go to the saloon and buy some food and a drink.  I wanted to eat and rest from the many miles I came across the desert. But some guy thinks he would like to kill me, me who was tired from traveling about 15 miles across the desert.  Before he could reach for his gun I killed him, not being in the mood to go through with the whole thing. Well after that people thought they’d killed me for what I’d done.  I was too tired to really fight; they brought me to a tree and hanged me not waiting until I was dead.  The Indian that I saved before I got into the town came and cut me down. The horse that they had me on was right by me. It was a very nice blue roan; it had a skull and crossbones on its rear. It would take too long to go back and get my horse and things, I got onto the blue roan and started to go when the Indian started to wave her hands saying “no bad horse”, what was the Indian thinking this horse was the best I’d ever seen.  


  1. I love how you made it sound like the character talking. It gave the review life, and pulled me in! You did a really good job.

  2. good job i like your book review i will have to read it


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