Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Book Review #4

By: Darren Shan
      Bec is the fourth installment of The Demonata Series and changes the spotlight off of Grubbs for the second time in the series. The book is about a girl, named Bec, who is a priestess in a village back a long time before the other books are based in.
      “AHHHHHHHHHH!” screams in the darkness of the night. A new kid on watch, blood. The warriors are already racing out to fight back the almost never ending flow of demons that attack. The warriors try to fight them back from are small village, and are doing an ok job.  Then a demon that shoots hairs at two warriors.
      Bec is a book about a world overrun with demons while the last humans struggle for survival, more than that it’s about trying to stop all the demons from completely ruining the world. I recommend this book, but only after reading the other books first.

1 comment:

  1. you did a good review but you misspelled words and it was a little confusing to follow.


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