Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Catching Fire, Book review 4

Catching Fire

By: Suzanne Collins

Catching Fire is about Katniss in the Quarter quell. This is when she is in the arena: her and Peeta and some other people are wandering the clock ( the arena is a terror clock) waiting for the lightning to hit the twelve o`clock tree. They were planning to set up a trap for the other tributes, when something happened. The wire went slack, and The girl Katniss was with also betrayed her. She ran back to where the others should have been, and only Beete was there, so she grabbed the plan B arrow (covered in wire) and shot it at the force field. Then she blacked out. when she woke up they told her the rebellion had started.  

1 comment:

  1. Their could've been a little detail. Other than that it was good.


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