Monday, April 7, 2014

Book Review 4: Blindside: By Leanne Touhy


          It all starts out when she gives the rules on how to play football. She wanted to share her passion of watching football. This girl Leanne was a loving, caring, but also strict mother of two. Her husband was rich because they owned some restaurants called Taco Bell; a famous place to eat known for their taco's, obviously.

          She and her husband were driving home from their sons school play when they looked to their left, noticing a tall dare, bulky boy walking. They drove off with all of them thinking about it, noticing his condition. The mm yelled at her husband to turn back around and pick him up.

          Leanne hopped out of their tiny but bran new car and says to the boy, "what do you think your doin' walking in the rain and cold weather?"

          He stared at her like deer in the headlights. "Walking.."

          "Walkin' where?"
          "The gym." He said.
          "Well why are you goin' to the gym?".
          "Because it's warm there.."
          "Hop in the car, we'll take you there."

          They all got in the car not knowing what to say. The whole ride was quiet. Leanne reached over and grabbed her husband by the hand and gave him the look that meant to go home, not the gym.

          Soon, they pulled up to their gigantic house and the boys' thought was, "I bet it's warm in there."

          They all walked in the house, and Leanne grabbed some blankets and headed downstairs, calling the boy. Then she realized, she needed his name. She asked him and he told her, "Michael, but they call me Big Mike."
          "Do you like being called that?"
          "Okay, then I won't call you that."
          They headed downstairs again, as Leanne made the bed into a couch, and that's where he slept. he stayed their for a few weeks and began to feel comfortable. He began to call the Leanne mom, and her husband dad. They all had a special bond, and kept making memories. The family is still happier than ever and can't wait for more memories to be made.


  1. This sounds like a good book. You did a great job on your review, I like how you put just enough detail to know whats going on but not enough to give anything away! Good job!!

  2. It sounds like a good book. But you made a few mistakes such as calling the main woman Leanne then calling her "the mom". I liked how you gave two examples to enhance your review. Overall good job!


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