Monday, March 24, 2014


Slated By: Teri Terry
Book Review #3
   Kyla has been Slated! This means that all her memories are wiped clean. The government claims she is a terrorist so they give her a new beginning. Later she decides to go to a new family. They take her in as long as she plays by their rules. Kyla was slated at the age 16.
   Kyla has been in the hospital longer than normal people. She started school and on her first day of school has a boring day. Her parents are all worried about her because Kyla has constant nightmares, which causes her Levo to drop to dangerous levels. The Levo is what keeps track of her pulse. If it is 2.0 or lower the Levo has a think that will knock the person out and slate them all over again. 
   Kyla means this boy Ben and she doesn't know what she feels about him. Since she has been slated she keeps getting these odd feelings. At the end she finally finds out why Ben wanted to be so close to her. She doesn't know who to trust other than her sister Amy. 


  1. I like that you gave a lot of detail, but not enough to give it way. There was just a few grammar problems, but you did a great job! That sounds like a really good book.

  2. Interesting concept, since memories (experiences) are what makes us who we are. Besides the Levo, do they ever slate them again? After all, new memories would be constantly being formed...right?


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