Monday, March 24, 2014

Book review #3 The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games

By: Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games is about a girl named Katniss Everdeen. It`s Reaping day, and children from ages 12-18 have to put their name in for the drawing. only two will be chosen (a boy and a girl) for a fight to the death in an arena with 22 other people. Prim, Katniss`s sister, gets picked to be the girl tribute. Katniss volunteers to go instead of her. 
The tributes for the 75th annual Hunger games  from district 12 are Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. They go to the capitol to train. when they are done training, they get put into the arena. when the gong rings Katniss grabs a backpack and runs into the forest. At night the cannons fire and the dead kids faces apear in the sky. the next day the careers find her and chase her into a tree. they try to get to her, but they cant. they wait for her to come down. in the morning, A girl named Rue woke her up. She pointed out a nest of tracker jackers, so Katniss cut it down. it fell and killed a girl from district 4. Katniss and rue team up and blow up the careers things. katniss finds rue, but then someone kills Rue.
Katniss goes to find peeta after the anouncer says that two people can survive. Katniss found him, and she goes to get a backpack to help him. When she gets to the cornucopia someone tries to kill her. then the other tribute from district 11 comes and kills the girl. katniss and peeta go to find food, but something starts chasing them. they look like dogs. they get to the cornucopia. Then Cato comes and tries to kill peeta. katniss throws him off and the mutts eat him. the next day the anouncer says that only one can live. Katniss takes a handfull of pouisonus berries, and her and peeta take some and eat them. before they eat them the anouncer changes his maind and stops them. The winners of the 75th annual Hunger Games are Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark.


  1. I liked how you explained the book but it would have been better to not explain it all so people can find out about the things that happens by reading it.

  2. Not that anyone interested doesn't already know, but Frank is right, the point is to invite people to the book, not give it all away! It's very thorough, just never give away the end. Think you need to slow down on the revising and editing. You missed some pretty obvious proper nouns, as well as some spelling problems.


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