Friday, March 21, 2014


Louis Sachar
Review #3
Stanley Yelnats is an overweighed kid that gets bullied by a kid half his size. At least in the beginning. As Stanley was walking home one day from school one day he finds something strange happen to him. When he was walking under a bridge he feels something hard hit him on the noggin. When he looks down to find out what had hit him, he sees a pair of no-good, smelly, torn apart shoes. So thinking he will need them he takes them. As he starts to run home to show his parents what he had found he sees the red and blue lights, then hears the sirens.
So as it turns out the sneakers he had found were a famous baseball players. Stanley has a trial held against him for being a theft. No one believes his story. So Stanley’s mom is given to options. Stay and the boys home or go to camp green lake. Immediately she chooses the camp. When anyone here’s the word lake in a name their first thought is water right?
When Stanley gets to the camp the first thing he notices is that there is no water. As he steps on to the hard lake floor he gets a swift kick be the heat. His task at Camp Green Lake was to dig holes. No more, no less. The holes had to be five feet wide and five feet deep. When Stanley is assigned to his group he has to go and dip his first hole. The more he dug the more he dug the thirstier and tired he got. The water truck finally got to where they were digging. After the first 4 holes Stanley is dying.
One day all the kids from Stanley’s group are plotting a way to steal a huge bag of sunflower seeds from one of the counselors. As they are doing it Stanley get involved in a bad way. He interferes with what they were doing and they only are able to take a handful each.

So as the story goes on there are a lot of conflicts that happen. One very important conflict happens at the end of the book. I really enjoyed this book. It has so many different things from flashbacks that connect back to the original to the voice that the author gave the characters.     

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