Friday, March 21, 2014

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter
And the prisoner of Azkaban
By: J.K. Rowling
Book review 3
            In Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban, Harry wakes up in his bed at the Dursely’s. Harry finds out in the morning that his aunt that he doesn’t like is coming to spend the next two weeks at their house. On the last night that she is spending with them, she starts to say that Harry’s parents where idiots for dying in the “car crash”. Harry gets mad and uses magic to make her into a big balloon.
            Harry then runs away and goes to a park. When he is sitting on the ground he sees a ginormous black dog come out of the bushes. Harry gets to his feet points his wand out and a few seconds later triple decker bus comes out of know where. Harry sits there and then a man comes out of the bus. He takes harry on to the bus and takes him to a wizard hotel.
            He then meets Minister Fudge (the minister of magic) He tells Harry to spend the next few weeks at the hotel and that in the morning he can go get his school supplies in Digon Ally. The next morning Harry goes to Digon Ally and gets his school supplies but on his way back he looks into the broom shop. Harry sees the newest and fastest broom in the world, the Firebolt. On the day the Hogwarts express comes to the station he finds his two best friends, Ron and Hermione. Ron dad then talks to Harry telling him that the famous murder Sirius Black is looking for him.
            The school year runs smoothly except on one of Harry’s Quidditch matches he gets attacked by a Demetor (A lifeless creature), so he starts to go to one of his professors to help train him. Near the end of the school year Harry finds a secret passage in a tree where the dog takes Ron and his rat inside of the tree. Harry and Hermione go down in the tree and find Sirius Black in the room with Ron.

             Harry, Ron, Hermione find out that Sirius Black is insistent, and that Ron’s rat is actually a man called Peter Pettigrew. He was the one that betrayed Harry’s parents and told Lord Voldemort where they were hiding at. Before they take up to the castle, he escapes and Sirius gets captured by the Dementors. Harry then goes back in time with Hermione and goes to save Sirius Black. They save Sirius and get back to present time. Harry then gets on the train with Ron and Hermione for summer vacation.


  1. I absolutely love this book. You did a great job.

  2. Perfect description on the book. Sounded just like it too. Great job on this review.

  3. Wow, you described the book perfectly. It sounds like a great book, but I'm not a Harry Potter fan.


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