Monday, February 24, 2014


Magic Thief 
By Sarah Prineas

   There was a thief he was different though! He was a lot different then everybody else who was a thief as well. He encountered a wizard. This event changed his life forever, in a good way. 

    His name was Connwear and he "bumped into a wizard named Nevery... happened to steal a mage stone from his pocket !" When he stole this magician stone he was suppose to die, from the power. He didn't, this surprised Nevery! After that he decided to make Con his apprentice.

   Con would do all of Nevery's dirty work for a place to stay, and food. Between this Con had to research or work to become a magician.

   Now they're always a "bad person" or antagonist. He's Keeston. This person does evil magic but what does he have a role in this book?! Or what does he do? FIND OUT FROM READING IT YOURSELF.
   My personal opinion on this book was great! I found it to lead me into the climax of the story quite nicely with hints here, and there. I would recommend reading it, or attempting so!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you did a good report, but i couldn't follow the quotations and stuff like that.

  3. You used a big word, Buddy! Antagonist AND gave a reference to what it does ;) Almost makes up for the quotes. For the record, air quotes show up as real quotes in black and white. Confuses your reader AND your teacher!

  4. good job on your book review i love the the book and the song

  5. Good job on your review Zach and yeah i love the song to. I also agree with Mrs.Fisher so good job and not good job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :( :) :(


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