Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter
And the Sorceress Stone
By: J. K. Rolling
            Harry Potter and the Sorceress Stone is about a 10 year old boy named Harry Potter. Harry lives under the stairs at him mean aunt and uncles (the Dursels) house because his parents died in a “car crash”. The morning he wakes up is his cousin Dudley’s birthday, and he is going to the zoo. When they are eating breakfast Dudley comes down and starts to have a fit about how he only got 37 presents when last year he got 38 presents. When they get to the zoo it’s really boring but when they get to the reptile house, Dudley wants the snake to move. When Dudley gives up on the snake, Harry Goes to talk to the snake and the snake actually understands harry when he talks.
            Dudley then comes over and knocks down harry to see the snake but then the glass disappears. When he gets up to climb out of the exhibit the glass is back. The next day harry goes to get the letters, and when he is looking at the letters he finds one addressed to Mr. Potter. Dudley then grabs them and takes them to Mr. Dursel.  Mr. Dursel then goes and burns the letter for Harry. Every day from that point on more and more letters start to come. One day Mr. Dursel takes them to an island in the middle of nowhere. In the middle of the night a ginormous man comes in and tells harry that he is a wizard. Mrs. Dursel then talks about Harry’s mom getting blown up. The Ginormous man (Hagrid) that Harry’s mom and dad where murdered and then he takes harry away to go to school at Hogwarts. 
            Hagrid then takes harry to a place called Digon Ally where he meets a man named Mr. Qurlly who will be his teacher for defense against the dark arts. He goes and buys his supplies. And is then taken to a train station where he has to board platform 9 ¾. He then hears a family talk about going to platform 9 3/4’s. He started to follow them and then he saw them running right through the wall and followed. When he got threw he saw a train and got on board and was on his way to Hogwarts.
            On the train he meets a boy named Ron Weasly, and they both become best friends. When they get to Hogwarts they are all sorted into Gryffindor, and eat some food at the feast. For most of the year they just go to class but on Christmas day they wake up go down the stairs and see all these presents on the ground. Harry picks up a present and he opens it to find out it is an invisibility cloak.
When everybody gets back from Christmas break, they find out that one of the professors is trying to steal something in the castle. They start to think that it is professor Snape. Later in the year they find out that someone is going to steal something  called the sorceress stone which is a little stone that can make you live forever. They go into a room that had a giant three headed dog, then got a key on a broom and final played wizard chess. Wizard chess is actually chess when the pieces get destroyed. In the end Harry goes in a room but Snape isn’t in the room Professor Qurlly is down in the room and is controlled by a man named Lord Voldemort which is the person that killed Harry’s parents.

            Harry defeats him and wakes up in the infirmary in the school and Professor Dumbldor tells him the sorceress stone is going to be destroyed. He goes up to his room to pack his things for summer vacation. Harry gets on the train with his friends to go back to the train station.


  1. You did a really good job on your review. I love the book and the movie. I like how you put a lot into your book review and you gave a lot of detail. Good Job!

  2. I loved the movie, but I am kind of afraid that if I read the book, the movie won't be good anymore. But your review made me want to give it a chance. I thought that you were very descriptive. It looks like you spent allot of time on the review. Good Job!

  3. You described the first part of the book really well in the paragraphs.


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