Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Hobbit

The Hobbit 

By: J.R.R. Tolkien

The Hobbit is about a hobbit (Halfling) Named Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo is a hobbit that likes to stay home. One day a grey wizard named Gandalf comes up to Bilbo and asked him if he would like to go on an adventure. Bilbo said no but asked him to come for tea later. At night he hears a knock at the door and it wasn’t Gandalf but a dwarf named Dwalin. He was told to come to the house. Soon later another dwarf comes but is Balin. Soon later two more dwarfs, they were Fili and Kili. Then even more dwarfs came they were Gloin, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Bifur, Bombur, Bofur. Then one more dwarf came and his name was Thorin and with him was Gandalf. They all came in and ate and they wanted Bilbo to come on the adventure as he said before he said no. In the morning nobody was there, Bilbo decided to eat some cake. Soon after Gandalf came wanting Bilbo to still come and he said yes. On the adventure many things attack then but they still continue. They then go to a mountain and when they are sleeping in the mountain goblins take them to their underground house. Bilbo gets separated from everybody and is lost in the cave. While Bilbo was stuck the dwarfs and Gandalf kill the Goblin King. Bilbo was still lost but found a small golden ring and a creepy creature named Gollum or Smeagoll.  Gollum wants to eat Bilbo but Bilbo wants to get out so they make a deal that if Bilbo wins Gollum will show him the way out, and if Gollum wins he will eat Bilbo. After a while Gollum gets mad and yelled out to ask him a question. Gollum didn’t say riddle so Bilbo did ask him a question. The question was “what is in my pocket’. The thing in Bilbo’s pocket was the ring. Gollum got mad and didn’t show Bilbo the way out so Gollum chased Bilbo. Bilbo fell and the ring landed on his finger and turned him invisible. Bilbo escaped and found the dwarfs. After many days of traveling they make it to the mountain were the dwarfs are from. Bilbo then needs to kill the dragon that lives in it. When they finally kill the dragon they are attacked by goblins. Bilbo gets knocked out and during that time two dwarfs were killed defending Thorin from the goblins. Bilbo finds Thorin in a tent hurt badly. Thorin then dies after talking to Bilbo. Bilbo then says his good byes and heads back to his house.


  1. I love the first movie but the book sounds way better good job.

  2. wow i never thought i would be so interested in this book.

  3. Maybe instead of giving a brief typing of the whole story you could've just summarized it on how Bilbo went on an adventure and give hints of what he did and what will maybe come of it, because you want to lour them in. Not tell them and they already know what it's about. Your wanting the reader of this review to want to read it.

  4. That is the longest book review I have ever seen in my entire life.

  5. I like your review it should be added to the school record for longest book review

  6. that is very interesting book.
    Did you write the whole book! :)


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