Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Divergent By: Veronica Roth


By: Veronica Roth

       16 year old Beatrice Prior is different than others. In the place they live when they turn 16 they are to choose a faction where they will live. You can only see your family on visiting day. Beatrice or Tris has just turned 16 and not it is the day of the choosing ceremony. When she chose a different fraction her family is feeling like they were betrayed. She chooses Divergent who are a group of fearless and dare devils. When she goes she makes a couple new friends, and also of new enemies. She falls in love with one of the leaders, Four who is also in love with her too. They get ranking and Tris is on the top of the list. When they pass initiation they have “trackers” put in to “make sure no one goes missing.” But that night Erudite go to war with Abnegation every one finds out that she is divergent. Will she die because she is divergent? 


  1. Sounds like a good book i might have to read it sometime.

  2. This books sounds good and i am probably going to read it sometime.

  3. Just warning you it is a really long book.

  4. It still sounds Awesome i want to read it Really Bad!!


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