Wednesday, December 11, 2013

"Marked" By- Norah McClintock

                             By: Norah McClintock

When Colin accepts the job to clean the graffiti in a horrifying neighborhood, he is vexed that he will be embattled by gangs. Though he doesn’t anticipate to be in a series of robberies. Every time Colin cleans up the graffiti, the police are neighboring investigating a crime.
Colin sees he’s done nothing off beam, but his presence at the crime scene looks suspicious. His history of being a troublemaker, makes matters even worse. The only way he can get his name forgotten about is to figure out what’s happening. But that’s the problem.
Collin can’t figure out what to do. He is stuck between quitting the job, or to stay. The only problem is that if he disappears out of the blue, the police most likely will think he is a suspect. Will Colin figure out what to do, or will he be stuck there, having the police think he’s a suspect?


  1. This is such a great review! I love how descriptive you are with this review. I like how you put us on edge with the ending.

  2. This is a good book review. There is very good descriptive!! Makes me want to read the book.


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