Tuesday, March 12, 2013


 Loser      Description: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_RK8KJUNAdkI/SKY_vPf8N6I/AAAAAAAAAls/jJIX_YmphrY/s400/loser+big.jpg
     You have probably just clicked on this book review to look at the title, Loser. Yes this book’s title matches the story. It’s about a kid that is unnoticed and does everything differently in school. Besides the fact of him loving it! He sucks at it. His penmanship is atrocious and his work is even worse.
 When he is little he doesn’t brush his hair, walks weird and doesn’t care about personal hygiene. That all seems to change when he gets older, all this kids start calling him loser and it starts to ware on him. And that kid is named Donald Zinkoff.
 It doesn’t stop there, when the family he gets attached to have a missing child, he goes out in the freezing blizzard to find her. No trace, but when all hope is lost he gives up and decides she is dead from toddling off from her family and now he feels like it was his fault. Will he find out something else? Or is that it. You can find out for reading the book yourself! :)


  1. I think this is a good book but i haven't finished it so know I'm going to go finish it

  2. i want to read this book now good job PolskiPal

  3. sounds like a boy that went through a lot of hard times... Good job

  4. sound like a very good book i am defiantly going to read it once i get a chance to... great job:)

  5. I love your word choice. Good job!


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