Thursday, March 7, 2013

After Hello

After Hello
By: Lisa Magnum
            What if you met a guy and you thought he was perfect but you only had one day of a relationship? Sara is 17 she is looking for a perfect picture for her point and shoot camera. Sam is a finder he can find anything. What happens when they cross paths? When Sara meets a celebrity and gets the challenge to find an original picture to hang over her fireplace, will she meet the expectations?                                                                                                                          
   She and Sam have 24 hours and the race is on! They go to the Cathedral and to an unknown artist but none have art that meets her expectations. But when they call his best friend to get art, what will happen?


  1. That sounds like a good book and you explained it well.

  2. you really did a great hook and i love how u just pulled me right in now i wanna read it.

  3. This book sounds good! You did a good job of capturing the audince and pulling them in. Good Job!

  4. I love the begining of this reveiw! very good ;)

  5. This sounds really good. good job on explaining it


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