Thursday, March 7, 2013

  Among the Hidden

By: Margaret Peterson Haddix

Among the hidden is the first book in the series. You get to meet Jen and Luke for the first time. Luke lives with his mom and dad and two brothers. He gets teased like any other kid. And he wishes all the times that he could go to school, but he is not allowed to because is an illegal third child. One day his family decides that it is too much, of a risk to have him eat meals with them so he is forced to eat on the stairs.

Luke is 12 years old and doesn't even know the alphabet. But then when he is forced to change his name he is also forces to leave his family and all of his belongings behind and go to a boys school. This school is for all of the boys that are third children. Next door there is a school for girls. The population police have no idea that all the kids are illegal.


  1. This sounds like a pretty sad book. I've read the beginning and I didn't really like it. But when I read this, My feelings for the book changed. I will try to read it again.

  2. This summary reminds me of school and how hads some things are hard :)

  3. The book does sound pretty sad, At the same time interesting. I will have to read it sometime

  4. This book is not that sad until the ending. My mom wanted me to read it and so i started to. After the ending I gave up reading it for a while because I was unhappy with it. But now I am reading it again and now I like it so far. I am pretty sure at the ending I will want to stop reading again. I will try not to and I will keep you guys posted.


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