Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tuckets ride
By Gary Paulsen 

Tucket was14 when he was taken by Indians.  When he got there he was a slave, and his Indian mother was a old gummer and one day a man walk in on a horse and pack mules Tucket wanted to know why he did not kill him later that night he got Tucket out of the camp. The rest of the time they were riding out of the Pawnee land. Then went to another Indian camp and Tucket had to wrestled for a horse and buckskins and that is how he learned to ride a horse. They went to find  a camping spot and food Jason was the man who saved Tucket went to find food he came back and told Tucket to get on his horse. They found a hard  of antelope and Jason told Tucket to wave a white flag and they will come and they did. but did he kill the antelope or did Jason.   

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