Friday, March 8, 2013


Written by: Brandon Mull
If you’re looking for an exciting book to read there isn’t one better than Fablehaven. The book is not only interesting, but is also action packed. It starts with Kendra and Seth Sorenson going to visit their grandparents. Their grandparents secretly own a magical preserve that is packed full of mystical and dangerous creatures. When Kendra and Seth discover this, Seth accidentally lets dangerous creatures into the house. Then their grandparents are abducted. Kendra and Seth must risk their lives to save their grandparents so the preserve does not fall. Kendra finally asks the Fairy Queen to help. Together they manage to defeat the demon and witch who took the grandparents. This book is a really good book for kids with a large imagination. I loved all five of the books and I’m sure anyone who loves fantasy would like it.
-Taylor Lautner


  1. This was a good book, i loved it when i read it. You really made me want to read it again because of all the imagination, good job with the review!

  2. This book sounds amazing!! I will have to read it!

  3. i have read this book and i liked it. i have also read the other books to this book.

  4. i have never been interested in fantasy books but the way you put it it sounded interesting.

  5. The book sound interesting with all of its creatures

  6. Awesome review, I just can never get into fantasy books, even if it is interesting. They just seem to go on and on. The books don't seem to end for me and they just roll out. I usually never finish a fantasy book but nice job with the review!

  7. Hey amazing job with the review i might have to check it out and read it sound very interesting. great job.

  8. I love this book so much. Ive read it so many times. You made it sound very interesting.


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