Friday, March 8, 2013

Someone To Love Me

Someone To Love Me
By: Anne Schraff
     In this book Cindy, the main character, thought her mother didn’t love her because she was always with this drug dealer. This guy even gives high schoolers' the drugs!  When Cindy meets a guy who is taking the drugs from her mother’s boyfriend, she feels like he is the only one who actually loves her.

     This guy who makes her feel loved is named Bobby Wallace. One day he is on drugs the next he isn’t. It’s like a yo-yo. When he is on the drugs, he is mean, rude, and tense.  He puts bruises on her wrists when he is on the drugs. One day he takes her to a party and starts to beat her up, because the drug he is on makes him a totally different person. He is physically there but his brain isn’t. 


  1. This book sounds amazing. I really want to read it now. Way to go!!

    1. Thanks it got intense towards the middle of the book.

  2. This so far sounds like something I would read and, from this I am already hooked. Is it available in the school library?

    1. I have it if you want to read it.

    2. I will want to borrow it if it is okay with you?

  3. This book sounds good you made me want to read it! AWESOME!

  4. Oh, oh this sounds like a book I read named Dreamland it was so good so this one sounds really good too! :)


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