Friday, May 9, 2014


The Cookcamp
By: Gary Paulsen
Having to move away from your mother is a hard thing to do. A little boy had to go on a long train ride to go live with his grandmother. Once he arrived his days were filled with wonder and new experiences.
            At the cook camp where the boy’s grandma lived there was something new every time he turned around. Each morning he woke up to machines running and his grandma cooking breakfast. Then the machines would stop and some manly men would enter the kitchen, take off their hats, clear their mouths, and sit around a table. Once they sat down the grandmother and the boy would feed the men nonstop until all of the food was finally gone.
            The days began to become long and boring so the men wanted to have the boy to work with them. Each day there would be a bull fight to see who would get the kid that day. Eventually they would work out the problem and the kid was able to work with the huge men.
            Each night the boy would cry himself to sleep. He had become home sick and would try to wash down the tears with fresh apple pie and a glass of warm milk. No matter how much he ate he would still have the pit in his stomach from missing his mom.

            Without knowing his grandma had been writing his mother. Then one day she told him that he was going home. Overcome with joy the boy hugged his grandma and began to cry. He then went to the train station and took the long ride back home. 

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