Sunday, January 19, 2014

Freeze Tag

Freeze Tag   by: Caroline B. Cooney
            Dark Fern Lane was home to Meghan Moore. It was also home to Meghan’s best friend, Tuesday Trevor and her older brother, West Trevor. Meghan ,like many, adored the whole Trevor family, particularly West. But there was another Trevor admirer on the street, Lannie Anveill.
Everyone was afraid of Lannie, they didn't really know why.  Maybe it was her thin bones and pale skin that made her look like she belonged in a tomb. Or maybe it was her thin hair that stuck out like hay, or maybe the way she would suddenly appear without a sound.
            But there was something they hadn’t known about her. Lannie had a power that allowed her to freeze people. And one night Lannie froze Meghan and wouldn’t unfreeze her until West made a promise, that he would always like Lannie best.

            Now it is six years later and West was in love, with Mehgan. But Lannie had not forgotten of West’s promise, and she was going to make everyone pay.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a dark book, liked how you showed the "wrongness."


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