Monday, January 13, 2014


Flight #116 is down
By: Caroline B.  Cooney
During a Saturday night a huge crisis arises. Patrick a junior in high school is an EMT for the town Nearing River. He is looking for some type of action; he wants to get his adrenalin pumping like an oil rig.
Sixteen-year-old Heidi Landseth lives in a mansion called Dove House. Her parents aren’t home often so she lives with her grounds keeper Burk and her housekeeper Mrs. Camp.
Saturday night at 5:15pm Heidi hears an ear piercing noise that enters her spine, penetrates her brain cells, and could kill her by volume alone. Then sees a huge metal object fly through the sky. Her first thought was a UFO. Then realized differently. The dispatch received a phone call as quickly as possible.
Patrick and the emergency crew arrived on the scene and helped as much as they could. But there isn't enough time to help all of the suffering and dying victims of a jumbo jet. The helpers followed emergency proto call and saved the people that could make it out alive. The others had to wait until their turn to be saved.

 “This was not like an ordinary plane crash.” One of the responders said to Heidi.


  1. I love the part where you talked about the the begin of the plan crash. It was very descriptive. GREAT JOB!

  2. You did a great job on your review! I thought that the plane crashed at 5:40 though.

  3. Nice use of Smiley Face Tricks. Makes your writing much more fun to read ;)

  4. good job i read that book and you did a perfect job


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