A place where Mrs. Fisher's eighth grade students post book reviews of their independent reading books.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
nightmare academy
The book is by Frank Peretti
In this book a kid named Alvin rogers gets killed in a mental hospital so this family takes the job and the kids pretend to run away and they go to nightmare academy to find out what happened to him and they find out what is happening then some thing happens see if they can save every one, or will they all die in the process.
Laurel discovered her passion of journalism when she wrote an article in the school paper about a homeless guy living in the school. Her story was published in the Islander and she found her talent. While she was taking a test, she saw two people cheating in a unique way... Eagar to write more, she wrote about the cheating in her class... Ratted them out. she was now an outsider. She set up a voting booth to see how many people really cared about cheating. There was a note...
Will her brother Jack be blamed? Have his whole future crushed?
Or will it be Jack's best friend... or even someone else
True Legend
The Demonata book 10
Book 10
By: Darren
Mr. Tucket
Mr. Tucket
By: Gary Paulsen
The book that i read for this part of the semester was the Book Mr. Tucket. It is an awesome book. It is about a young boy who goes to the Rocky Mountains for his birth day. They go with family and friends. Once they reach there destination they stay the night at the mountains. The next day he gets a cake and a rifle. He is very excited, so he stayed back behind the wagon train shooting his new rifle. when he takes a break., he is sitting there and somebody kidnaps Tucket. It turns out that it was the Indians. Then after weeks in the village a mountain man comes and saves him. And they live the rest of their lives together.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Ten True Tales Kid Pirates
Some volunteered some were forced to serve in the navy or on a pirate ship. Every young person served with the most feared pirates like Captain Kidd or Blackbeard. Some of them tired to escape cause they had to live in harsh conditions like no food sleeping on the deck. Learn about their battles, shipwrecks and narrow Escapes.
The Schernoff Discoveries
By: Gary Paulsen
Harold Schernoff is a fourteen year old whiz, and a social outcast. He has a theory for everything, such as dating, dealing with bullies, and making money. When science turns slapstick Harold and his buddy team up to test Schernoff discoveries. He mastermind such a disastrous first date. Only Harold could fishing and get caught by a fish. This is a funny excited book about two nerds and there adventures.
Thoroughbred- Star In Danger: Joanna Campbell
Christina Reese is worried. She's been taking care of Wonder's Star ever since his dam, Wonder, died. Now Star has been sent to Townsed Acres, and Christina misses him terribly. She dreamed of eventing Star in the Olympics one day, but Brad Townsend has already started training him to race.
The only way for Christina to be near her colt is to work with Brad. But Star has changed since he left Whitebrook. The once sweet and gentle colt has become wild and difficult to manage. Can Christina save her beloved Star from being ruined?
The Emerald Talisman
The Emerald Talisman
Brenda Pandos
"Was it my fate to die at sixteen? I didn't want to, but I couldn't see any other way out of this nightmare, unless I was dreaming. My situation seemed too surreal to be true. The pain told me otherwise. I was wide awake and about to take my last breath."

Find out what happens to Julia in this thrilling book.
Cirque Du Freak The Vampire's Assistant Book 2
Darren Shan has been blooded as a vampire and knows he must feed on a human of die in a couple weeks. He refuses because he is still part human being a half-vampire and doesn't want to give up his humanity. He doesn't know where he belongs until Larten Crepsly, also known as Vur Horston, sugests the Cirque Du Freak. Larten is a red haired vampire with a scar on the left side of his face and has made Darren his half-vampire assistant. After joining the Cirque Du Freak Darren meets two new friends. Evra Von, a snake boy preforming at the Cirque, and Sam Grest a boy from the nearby village. Later Darren, Evra, and Sam go exploring and meet a new friend, R.V. R.V. is an enviromentalist. Darren get R.V. and Sam tickets to the show and R.V. tries to free the wolf-man after the show. R.V. ends up running away in terror missing his arms from the elbow down. The wolf man gets free and to cut to the chase eats most of Sam. Darren drank the rest of Sam's blood (Drinking the rest of someone's blood keeps part of their soul alive in the vampire). The wolf man is caught and returned to the Cirque. Darren stays a few more months then leaves for his next destination, Vampire Mountain.
Kingdom Keepers Dark Passage
Kingdom Keepers
By: Ridley Pearson
The five keepers; Finn, Philby, Willa, Charlene, and Maybeck
are on a Disney cruise ship as Disney host interactive guides. The cruise ship
takes its passengers to different gulfs off different islands and at each one,
the Kingdom Keepers are given a clue from the overtakers. Maleficent and the
evil Queen, the overtaker’s leaders, are hiding on the ship. And the keepers
soon find that they have secretly brought aboard the ship a huge box, which
they believe to be Disney’s most evil villain created, Chernabog. But what they
don’t know is one of the keepers are planned to be the monster’s first victim.
As they work together to decipher the clues, they gain trust
and friendship. It’s not only them, who’s in trouble, it’s the whole crew, and
passengers. As they work together to uncover secrets, they rise to the
challenge to defeat Maleficent once and for all.
Cheat By: Kristin Butcher
Young Lauren always dreamed of being an investigative journal writer. After she writes this article on a homeless old man living in their basement, she gets the attention she wants. Everyone congratulates her and tells her how good of a job she has done. That day when she gets home from school a producer of the newspaper "Islander" calls and offers her a place in their newspaper. She takes the job.
Lauren noticed that in her Math class people were cheating on their tests and she decides to write about that in her next article. The morning it was published it made everyone at her school hate more then they possibly ever could.
Jack her brother has a scholarship for basketball in many colleges. But with a risk he takes could cause him to lose all scholarships he has received. What is this risk he took? Read the book to find out!!(:
Young Lauren always dreamed of being an investigative journal writer. After she writes this article on a homeless old man living in their basement, she gets the attention she wants. Everyone congratulates her and tells her how good of a job she has done. That day when she gets home from school a producer of the newspaper "Islander" calls and offers her a place in their newspaper. She takes the job.
Lauren noticed that in her Math class people were cheating on their tests and she decides to write about that in her next article. The morning it was published it made everyone at her school hate more then they possibly ever could.
Jack her brother has a scholarship for basketball in many colleges. But with a risk he takes could cause him to lose all scholarships he has received. What is this risk he took? Read the book to find out!!(:
Cique Du Freak
Cirque Du Freak… A living Nightmare
Cirque Du
Freak is one of the best series I know of. It’s creepy, back chilling theme has
a unique way of presenting it. Example: The main character, Darren Shan, is an
average kid except he has this “thing” for spiders. He loves spiders and
everything about them, so his parents got him a tarantula, which is a large
non-poisonous spider. He was watching cartoons, and saw the characters got
sucked up into a vacuum and spit back out into the shape of the nozzle. Darren
wanted to try this himself, so he took a vacuum, and tried sucking up his
tarantula. However when he did his spider didn’t just get sucked up, it legs
tore off his body, and it splattered into a bloody mess.
Wasn’t that
unique? The book series has multiple characters introduced throughout the
story. The story also involves other types of fiction in the book, such as
werewolves, vampires and ghosts. Isn’t that neat! I wouldn’t recommend this
book to everyone, but those I would recommend this book to, I know would love
By Gordon Korman
Paddy and Daniel have lived without a home in the city of Belfast for as long as they can remember, stealing money and food to survive. But then one day they rob a gangster on accident. The gangster hunts them down, and paddy is pretty sure Daniel is dead. But paddy is put on a crane and loaded onto the Titanic with some cargo. Will he go unnoticed as a stowaway? Read the book to find out. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys realistic fiction.
By Gordon Korman
Paddy and Daniel have lived without a home in the city of Belfast for as long as they can remember, stealing money and food to survive. But then one day they rob a gangster on accident. The gangster hunts them down, and paddy is pretty sure Daniel is dead. But paddy is put on a crane and loaded onto the Titanic with some cargo. Will he go unnoticed as a stowaway? Read the book to find out. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys realistic fiction.
Cody wants to be in a gang so he goes around school asking and he forund one but they dont think him and his friend bowmen could do the job. They had to steel a park bench to be in the gang and cody is scared and dont want to do the crime and he wants to but is scared . at the end he steels it and gets a reword of $20.00 and he can be in the gang
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Stanley Yelnats is an overweight teenage boy from a family who is affected by bad luck, which they blame on a "curse" brought on them by his great-great-grandfather. He is wrongly accused of stealing the shoes of the baseball player Clyde "Sweet Feet" Livingston. As a punishment for he crime, he is given the choice of either going to jail or to Camp Green Lake, a juvenile detention and correctional facility. Despite its name, Camp Green Lake turns out to be a camp in the middle of the barren desert in which the young inmates are forced to dig five-feet holes. It was a really good book, it is very descriptive and very interesting, I think you should read it.Island
Book Two: Survival
Luke, Ian, Will, Charla, Lyssa, and J.J are all stranded on an island after their horrible ship wreck and days stranded out at sea. Now, with nothing to eat, drink, nobody knowing they're lost and no shelter they all must work together to survive. As things start to run a little smoothly, they see a plane! But, this isn't a good plane, this plane is filled with horrible men who killed a guy right before their eyes! The people on the plane don't leave, as a matter of fact another plane comes and it is filled with even more crooks! Because curiosity is killing them, they set out to find out what is going on. But, they have figured out too much! Will they be able to avoid or even out live the crooks, or will one of them die trying to?
among the imposters
by: Margret Peterson
This is the second book to the Shadow Children. Luke is in the new school which is named Hendricks. He finds himself struggling as a new kid that is unwanted. As the days go by he finds a door that is unlocked but does he decide to go outside to the woods that remind him so much of home or does he stay inside. Luke also meets a friend that shows him around the school and gives him a list of his real classes. the question is does lukes new friend stay loyal or betray him at the worst possible moment. Does Mr. Tabalot also know as jens dads come to save him from this place or is Luke stuck there till midterms.
This book is a great book for kids my age it has action, mystery and at some points sadness, I would strongly recommend this book.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
The pixies
dust dairies
First book:
By Justin
The Pixies Dust
Dairies are about a twelve year old pixie named Ruby. She was born without
wings like every other pixie but when she was the age that they usually get
them at they didn't appear. Two years
later she still didn't have them so she demised a plan to go to the oracle, the
place where people go to find there meaning in life and to answer questions. The
rest of the book is about how her sister and her go to the oracle and meet new
friends. Will Rudy find out how to get wings or will she be sent home by the
oracle? This book was really good and I really suggest it.
By Gary Paulsen
The Mr. Tucket book is about a 14 year old who got taken by Indians the day he turned 14 with a new rifle. So when a mountain man named Mr. Grimes helps him escape from the Indians he is then taught how to shoot a rifle and survive in the wild but will has he escaped the Indians yet or will he be caught.
11 Birthdays
11 Birthdays
By: Wendy
Amanda is going to turn 11 tomorrow
but she is dreading it. Her and her best friend, Leo have been fighting for
over a year and this is the first birthday that she and Leo won’t be sharing. At her birthday party, only 8 people show up
out of 20 that she invites, that’s the first sign that something is wrong, she
kept hoping that Leo would call and apologize to her for everything that he
said, but that didn’t happen, not for a while. After her party she goes
upstairs without opening her presents. The next morning she wakes up to her
alarm, which is funny because today is Saturday, so she goes outside but sure enough the bus
is pulling around the corner. At first it was all a daze but now that she found
out that Leo is going through the same thing. Can they find a way out of this
endless cycle, soon?
The United Nations
How The United Nations Work
One simple question, I had until reading this
book. How does the United Nations work? Well, good question! The United Nations
is composed of almost all nations in a document saying they will NEVER use
nuclear explosives, or chemical warfare on Earth. Why? Well because in WWII
when Hitler used chemical warfare, he ruined and killed millions of people!
They put nukes on the list as-well because when a nuke hits the ground, it
causes radiation, cracks the earth’s surface, and again, kills millions of
people if spammed. The United Nations was made in 1946. The United Nations is a
choice that each nation can join it, and rebel against these dangerous weapons.
If they don't... It's frowned upon basically!
<-- The United Nations Flag.
The Whisper
Mika and his sister finally meet after a year
and a half when they finally touch something happens but very few people notice
and of these people include their guard and the nurses down with the implanted army,
read the first book. As they started to stir
the nurses watched not knowing what to do because the army was told to sleep until
they were needed. Then to their utmost horror the army started to wake only
obeying the whisper that connected them all to one another. The whisper slowly
faded into panic as they ran around not knowing where to go or how to get
there. Eventually they found some stairs and began to climb at the top they found
a fire escape and went outside but one of them just couldn’t resists thinking
they had left something but what. Read the book to find out what they forgot
and about the war that is about to start.
book report: powerless
the book i'm reading is powerless. its about a kid named Daniel corrigan who makes friends with 5 kids who have superpowers, Simon, rose, Mollie, Eric, and Louisa. but, there are four rules and one of them is: all super powers end at age 13. they want to find out why the fun ends at 13. so they search. simon's birthday was coming up soon, so they had daniel camp out at simon's room on the night before 13. Simon still gets his powers taken away, but they found out what it was. a dark, shadowy figure, later known as the shroud, has been unfairly taking their powers at a strong point. but now they are trying to find out whom the shroud's identity really is. but they still can't find it.
the book i'm reading is powerless. its about a kid named Daniel corrigan who makes friends with 5 kids who have superpowers, Simon, rose, Mollie, Eric, and Louisa. but, there are four rules and one of them is: all super powers end at age 13. they want to find out why the fun ends at 13. so they search. simon's birthday was coming up soon, so they had daniel camp out at simon's room on the night before 13. Simon still gets his powers taken away, but they found out what it was. a dark, shadowy figure, later known as the shroud, has been unfairly taking their powers at a strong point. but now they are trying to find out whom the shroud's identity really is. but they still can't find it.
Book review
The Outside of a horse
By: Ginny
In this heartwarming book, Hannah Gale
is in love with horses ever since her dad told her about his adventures in
Nevada. Hannah’s mom died from cancer when she was little. Latter her dad
married a woman named Sondra and he got called out to help in the war leaving
his 13 year old and pregnant wife. Hannah misses her dad dearly and can’t wait
till he comes home. She doesn’t particularly like Sondra and so the ranch down
the road is the only thing that brings her close to her dad. One day she gets
the courage to go and ask the owner for a job. The Owner says she can’t pay
here but Hannah doesn’t care. She tells Sondra she got a “job” down at the
stables so she will let her go with no questions.
Later on her dad comes home but to Hannah’s
surprise he is missing half of one of his legs. Now instead of being a “father”,
he just drinks and sulks and has nightmares that keep everyone up. To get away
from all this, Hannah goes to the ranch where she learns how to train and ride.
She also finds out one of the women there has taken in a horse that is pregnant.
For her 14th birthday she asks her father if he will go to animal therapy.
She thinks it could help him in the way the colt helped her. Will her father
agree to go? If he does, will it make him better?
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