Thursday, October 24, 2013

11 Birthdays

11 Birthdays
By: Wendy Mass
            Amanda is going to turn 11 tomorrow but she is dreading it. Her and her best friend, Leo have been fighting for over a year and this is the first birthday that she and Leo won’t be sharing.  At her birthday party, only 8 people show up out of 20 that she invites, that’s the first sign that something is wrong, she kept hoping that Leo would call and apologize to her for everything that he said, but that didn’t happen, not for a while. After her party she goes upstairs without opening her presents. The next morning she wakes up to her alarm, which is funny because today is Saturday,  so she goes outside but sure enough the bus is pulling around the corner. At first it was all a daze but now that she found out that Leo is going through the same thing. Can they find a way out of this endless cycle, soon?  


  1. Interesting but weird! I wonder if Leo had his birthday at the same time too! :P

  2. This book sounds very good! I like how you put just enough detail to leave us hanging. I like how you put dreading in it nice job.

  3. This sounds like a really good book! I'll have to read it sometime, nice review!

  4. Good Job!!(: I might just have to read it!

  5. Nice review! Sounds like a good book that I might just have to find and read! :)

  6. Sounds really cool. I'll have to read it sometime.

  7. I loved this book. I like how you don't give away to much information, but just enough to get the reader hooked.


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