Monday, October 28, 2013

Cique Du Freak

Cirque Du Freak… A living Nightmare

            Cirque Du Freak is one of the best series I know of. It’s creepy, back chilling theme has a unique way of presenting it. Example: The main character, Darren Shan, is an average kid except he has this “thing” for spiders. He loves spiders and everything about them, so his parents got him a tarantula, which is a large non-poisonous spider. He was watching cartoons, and saw the characters got sucked up into a vacuum and spit back out into the shape of the nozzle. Darren wanted to try this himself, so he took a vacuum, and tried sucking up his tarantula. However when he did his spider didn’t just get sucked up, it legs tore off his body, and it splattered into a bloody mess.

            Wasn’t that unique? The book series has multiple characters introduced throughout the story. The story also involves other types of fiction in the book, such as werewolves, vampires and ghosts. Isn’t that neat! I wouldn’t recommend this book to everyone, but those I would recommend this book to, I know would love it.


  1. Ya that was very descriptive. it sounds like a great book.

  2. These must be good books, because you guys are writing amazing reviews on them ;)


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