Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Silent to the Bone

Silent to the Bone
By E.L Konigsburg 
Branwell hadn't always been a mute. But that day that he did little did he know it would turn his whole world upside down. His little half-sister, Niki was shaken and is in a comma. Thy dont know why. Vivian, the babysitter was the one who made the 911 call when Niki stopped breathing. When Branwell was on thee phone he stopped talking, no one knew why. Vivian told  911 that Branwell shook Niki, but did he really? His bestfriend Conner doesn't think so, he doesnte think that Branwell is capable for such a crime. Conner is the only one who can find out what really happened. Fallow Conner on his mysterious journey. 


  1. This book sounds really good nice job. Way to put in the deatail but good job by not giving to much

  2. I like the details and it really made me want to read it.

  3. This good book description made me want to read the book. Good Job

  4. I love your details, that sounds like a great book!!

  5. This sounds really interesting.... I'll have to check it out sometime! Great review!

  6. Love the details you put in this book review! It sounds sooooo good, I think I am heading to the library to get this book!

  7. Oh my gosh this book sounds amazing i have to read it!! Good job on your review i am like dying to read it now!;)


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