Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Hobbit or There and Back Again

       The Hobbit             
(or There and Back Again)
      J.R.R Tolkien     

(One of the many covers of The Hobbit)

Here you have, The Hobbit! This book is very long but it is totally worth it. This story begins with a hobbit, which is a small human basically. Anyways, this "hobbit" was named Bilbo Baggins of Bag-end. This hobbit always was kept in his den and drank tea next to the fire.

That all changed one day, thirteen dwarves or brute shruggish people showed up at his door and told him to join a company and he would be known as a burglar. All because of a wizard named Gandalf...

There adventure was off quickly! They encountered many things of all the sorts including talking eagles and walking mountains! Orcs and bears, dragons and elves. This was Bilbo's adventure and if you want to read on how these were tied in with the book, READ IT YOURSELF.


  1. You didn't even put a review in the review. It is the title and the picture of the book.

  2. Next time you might want to put a little more detail in your reviews but it was still a good review.

  3. I loved the movie! i will have to read the book!!


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