Thursday, October 24, 2013

The pixies dust dairies
First book: Ruby
By Justin Graves

The Pixies Dust Dairies are about a twelve year old pixie named Ruby. She was born without wings like every other pixie but when she was the age that they usually get them at they didn't appear.  Two years later she still didn't have them so she demised a plan to go to the oracle, the place where people go to find there meaning in life and to answer questions. The rest of the book is about how her sister and her go to the oracle and meet new friends. Will Rudy find out how to get wings or will she be sent home by the oracle? This book was really good and I really suggest it.


  1. The book review sounds good. I think you could have added more detail to the story and still not give the rest of the book away. but besides that you did a good job.


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