Monday, October 28, 2013

Kingdom Keepers Dark Passage

Kingdom Keepers

                                                                  Dark Passage                          

By: Ridley Pearson

The five keepers; Finn, Philby, Willa, Charlene, and Maybeck are on a Disney cruise ship as Disney host interactive guides. The cruise ship takes its passengers to different gulfs off different islands and at each one, the Kingdom Keepers are given a clue from the overtakers. Maleficent and the evil Queen, the overtaker’s leaders, are hiding on the ship. And the keepers soon find that they have secretly brought aboard the ship a huge box, which they believe to be Disney’s most evil villain created, Chernabog. But what they don’t know is one of the keepers are planned to be the monster’s first victim.

As they work together to decipher the clues, they gain trust and friendship. It’s not only them, who’s in trouble, it’s the whole crew, and passengers. As they work together to uncover secrets, they rise to the challenge to defeat Maleficent once and for all.


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