Thursday, October 24, 2013

The United Nations

How The United Nations Work

One simple question, I had until reading this book. How does the United Nations work? Well, good question! The United Nations is composed of almost all nations in a document saying they will NEVER use nuclear explosives, or chemical warfare on Earth. Why? Well because in WWII when Hitler used chemical warfare, he ruined and killed millions of people! They put nukes on the list as-well because when a nuke hits the ground, it causes radiation, cracks the earth’s surface, and again, kills millions of people if spammed. The United Nations was made in 1946. The United Nations is a choice that each nation can join it, and rebel against these dangerous weapons. If they don't... It's frowned upon basically!

<-- The United Nations Flag.


  1. is a nuke a bomb? This book sounds good. I like the picture at the end of the your writing nice job


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