Tuesday, April 9, 2013


By Ellen Hopkins
Meth can do horrible things to you. Apparently so can love. 17 year old Kristina learns that the hard way. It all started out as an innocent visit to her dad who is a meth addict. There she meets Adam who does drugs and meth too. At first she didn’t want to get involved but once he talked to her for the first time Bree took over. Bree is like an alter ego or someone Kristina wants to be. Bree is like the bad/ dark side of Kristina, the more flirty side. Adam and Kristina/Bree start hanging out and soon Kristina tries the “Monster” or Crank Meth. She is hooked. Adam ends up to be her summer love but she leaves him because she has to go back home to Reno Nevada. There she meets two new guys Chase and Brendon. Brendon was a life guard nice body cool hair very good looking. He looked like a really nice guy. Chase was the bad boy type pretty good looking but not what Kristina was looking for but exactly who Bree was.
            One night Kristina and Brendon go out on a date to have a snuff and have fun. But Brendon ends up wanting to get more than just kissing. Kristina refuses but instead of stopping Brendon raped her. Kristina stopped talking to him. She starts to date Chase she also becomes good friends with her gay friend’s sister. They always smoke together. Soon Kristina finds out she is pregnant because of Brendon. She keeps the baby but what runs through everyone’s head will she be able to break up with the “Monster”?


  1. Test Comment from me
    sicerely me

  2. I like how you use the names but you never mentioned where she went to meet her dad

  3. Great Job!!! Who recommended this to you? Whoever it was GREAT pick!!

  4. This sounds like an amazing book.

  5. Sounds really good! I got the book from you hope its great!


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