Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Blindsided By: Priscilla Cummings - Book Review 6

Blindsided By Priscilla Cummings

"What would you do if you couldn't see your future?"

Natalie is somewhat.. different. She was born with bad sight, but as she got older, it got worse. She had to go to the eye doctor very frequently. Every time, her sight would get worse, and worse. The doctors began to wonder. Soon after her 16th birthday, she found out that she was blind.

I couldn't even imagine her feeling when she found out. They were all over the place. Natalie had nowhere to turn but her friends. Her friend Bree had always been there for her, no matter what the issue. The cool thing is is that Bree was blind too. They had been best friends since they very first met! 

As Natalie moved along with her life, her friend didn't. Bree had been found trying to hang herself by her boyfriend. But, luckily, he saved her right before she killed herself. After Bree's boyfriend had found her almost dead, they decided to go do something crazy. Drugs. Bree had gotten so high that she passed away. But, roomer had it. "She was in a wreck." 
"Someone killed her." 
"She was raped." 

Natalie was told so many things, she didn't even know where to begin. She wasn't sure if she even was dead because of all of the roomers. Natalie didn't find out what happened until a long bit after Bree was found dead. Her teacher kind of slipped the secret out while talking to the whole class. So, everybody knew. Now, the roomers began to drive uphill. "Natalie argued with the teacher."
"Natalie did this."
"Natalie did that."

She had enough. But, she didn't know how she was going to confront them.. 
How would she do it if she couldn't see?
How would she prove to the whole school?
How would she look them in the eye and tell them the truth?


  1. You had an excellent review! I loved your word choice and detail you put into it. Great job.

  2. You did really good on your review! Your totally drew me in. All the details were excellent! good job!

  3. Good job you made me want to read this book!

  4. I love the detail that was put into this review it was amazing. I loved the words that you used this book review is so good.

  5. Sounds like a really good book! I need to read this! Good job!


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